Out of every game that was never officially released and wasn't a part of a major series, I think this is the one that I wish were released and had a bit more work done to it.

The concept is pretty damn fun, you play as a Dracula who goes around setting off traps like he's Kevin McCallister in an action sidescrolling affair. These traps include stuff like chandeliers crashing on people's heads or setting loose Frankenstein's Monsters. On top of all that craziness you also have the most ridiculous product placement in the form of the Reebok Pump shoes that temporarily make you as fast as Speedy Gonzales and make your jump suddenly useful. Oh to be a fly on the wall at that meeting that asked for those Reebok Pumps to be put in.

The entire castle section where you make your way down to the first floor is actually all the first half of the game. The second half is a top-down style of game where you stalk the town looking for your girlfriend Mina. To find her house you gotta suck non-hostile villagers to get a hold of items like keys and four leaf clovers, you use these to enter houses and get clues to Mina's whereabouts. The biggest problem with this top-down section though are the hostile mobs of villagers and the camera's inability to scroll in a more smooth manner, which will result in many attempts where you'll go to scroll the screen and instantly faceplant into villagers and die. These guys also like to track you which can result in getting cornered or have to take the long way around to get to where you want to go on the map. The map is also kind of colossal, surprised the shit out of me when I saw it.

Once you find Mina the round ends and you start a new one and find yourself back at the castle. This is probably the reason the game was canned at the last minute, they probably saw no money in this kind of arcade style game in 1991 when the SNES was about to come out. It's a real shame. I think if you ironed out the shittier aspects aka the villagers you'd have a pretty nice game here. Make the villagers less annoying on the staircases in the sidescrolling sections, and make the camera better for the top-down sections. That's all you'd need from me I think.

I just think it's neat. Romance? Murdering people with my man Drac? Reebok Pumps? Sign me the fuck up, give me more of this dumb shit.

Reviewed on Jul 23, 2022
