Ah, weary traveler, for what reason have you come so far as to visit one such as I? You wish to defeat...Ninja Gaiden on NES? You seek....guidance? That is quite the mountain to climb. It will not be easy...

The journey may seem frightening at first, but believe in me for it is not quite as bad as the tales would tell. To help Ryu Hayabusa on his quest to seek revenge for his father's murder, you must channel all of your ninja know-how and master the hitbox of your blade. Timing is of utmost importance! You must be light on your feet, and be as swift as the wind! Your enemy however is quite formidable, the Jaquio is not one to take lightly! For they do not fight fair with the placement of their army of henchpeople and henchanimals! You will need to maintain a good rhythm and flow to your movement if you wish to keep up progress, as the Jaquio's minions will not hesitate to warp back onto the field as soon as they are decimated by you!

On top of that, you must also maintain proper ninja balance. What is a ninja without their ninja balance? A dead ninja. The Jaquio knows this! That's why they hired the entire NFL to run at Hayabusa and tackle him into the ground! What good will Ryu be at exacting his revenge if he's been sacked on fourth down?! No good at all!

While you indeed do have your mystical dragon sword and your ninja sub-weapons, there is also another unseen magic that you must keep mind of. That which can be barely seen from your view of the screen, the void of the edge of the CRT monitor. The fourth dimension one could say. Utilization of this can be instrumental in making certain sections of your adventure easier. The Jaquio's minions may be able to warp themselves back onto screen, but sometimes the warp tubes backfire and transport them to another stage entirely. A big break for you! Sword throwing Larry will be busy throwing his swords elsewhere!

Step by step, inch by inch, you can ascend this mountain with the help of your endless continues. Ninja Hayabusa is never a quitter, and the journey's checkpoints can be surprisingly forgiving at times. Well....except when you finally confront Jaquio themselves, whom will inevitably bamboozle you with their fiendish side-to-side movement and homing fireballs. They do not fight fair, I've mention this! Jaquio loves trap doors! They can't get enough of them, and will not hesitate to send you back to stage 6-1! Be patient, and be precise with your approach against the scoundrel! Of course, as always you may attempt to fight dirty as well against Jaquio. You may utilize the art of save stating or time rewind, and would you be less of a person to me if I saw you stoop to his level?

Eh, I don't judge. Just remember to never give up, and always think to yourself...

Finish the story.

Personally though, I do believe there is something to climbing the mountain from bottom to top constantly, and acquiring mastery of all of it's paths and tricks. Knowing every nook and cranny of where an avian fiend will rear their ugly head, and being prepared for any football player attempting to make you another number to their season statistics. Your rhythm becoming greater and preparing you for your next attempt at the climb. Maybe you don't agree, maybe you do. Regardless, one day maybe you'll see why I adore this adventure as much as I do and meet me at the top of the mountain.

It's quite pretty.

Reviewed on Jun 14, 2023


10 months ago

Since the original page got turned into the arcade version, I got another excuse to eventually rewrite this since my original one was insanely lazy and obviously done when I wasn't putting as much work in, lol.

Was fun.

10 months ago

This is delightful

10 months ago

@thealexmott thanks man, if I can make someone's day better at all with my work then that's all I need to know if I've succeeded.

10 months ago

HayaBASEDa review

10 months ago

@C_F no you're hayabaseda ;-;