Story-wise, it has an interesting premise but unfortunately it doesn't have the best pay off; it brings nothing new to the table and seems like something a teenager would come up with thinking that it's deep. I wouldn't have too much of a problem with it if characters didn't poke holes in the antagonist's logic, and the fact anyone with two brain cells can spot a problem with their logic too.
It's also annoying how for at least two routes (Sasazuka's and Yanagi's) you NEED to follow a walkthough because there are seemingly innocent choice that will end up getting you a bad ending even though they don't seem important choices story-wise. (or maybe this isn't surprising this is my first VN).

If you're just playing for a cute boy then disregard everything I said and have fun.

Reviewed on Sep 27, 2021


4 months ago

Sorry for commenting on a review from 2021, but I can't help but be intrigued by the aside that this was your first VN. This game is specifically set after the events of the first, so it can't be played before that, especially since most of this is fanservice. Of course, if I'm misunderstanding, then I apologize in advance. I just wanted to let you know that there /is/ a base game that may improve the experience of this one if you happen to be interested in revisiting the series! If you decide to forego the option, that is perfectly as fine as well.
But yes, visual novels are known for 'nonsensical' choices that will lock you into a bad ending at times.

4 months ago

@otome So this game is basically a sequel??? That explains most of my confusing experience - I know I got tricked into playing this but damn lol. If you’d like to leave the name of the base game you mentioned, that’d be cool. I may check it out sometime 🤔

I know VNs are fond of doing nonsensical shit to lock you into a bad ending, but I wasn’t fond of that then and I’m still not fond of it now. Im just not a VN enjoyer I suppose ¯\(ツ)
Hope you at least got a kick out of reading someone’s first VN experience lol. Super cool to hear about this stuff from someone who’s a fan of the genre and knows a lot about it. :D

4 months ago

Yup, it's a continuation of the first game named Collar x Malice! There's still fanservice in the base game (because it's an otome game) but it's also way more focused on the imminent danger of Adonis and X-day--and I just realized some of the mystery may already be spoiled for you because you played Unlimited 😅 but honestly I enjoyed seeing events unfold even if I spoiled myself on what happens later (I tend to do this a LOT lol)
On the topic of bad ends--as a VN fan I've grown used to them and they're usually things I get out of the way first just so I can 100% the game at the end (but I also tend to use a guide after my first playthrough of a route so it's less frustrating for me). As for Collar x Malice, there's a few choices that will lead to a quick bad end (and then a series of other choices that may have a longer pay off). If you take a shortcut when walking home, then you're out of luck because that's game over LOL
I did enjoy your review though! VNs aren't the most popular video game genre obviously so it's fun to see people try it out, regardless of whether or not they found it good. There are people who just brush VNs off entirely without playing a single one, which is kinda unfortunate, but I can't tell anyone how to spend their time. But trying one at least makes all the difference, and it's always fun to see people's reactions to it!!

4 months ago

Thx for sharing! I’ll be sure to check it out the next time I get the VN itch :D Tbh since it’s been a few years since I played this I’ve forgotten most of it, so maybe I won’t be spoiled that much if I decide to play it lol

Makes sense to get those out of the way first. I typically dont 100% games - whatever ending I get is what I live with, so it’s highly annoying to me when I get barely into a route and get the bad end lol. I remember choosing whatever dialogar choices I felt like, so when I got the bad end in (I think) Sasazuka’s route I was like “screw this” and followed a guide the rest of the game.

Yeah, I didn’t want to be one of those people who brush them off without ever trying one. Honestly I wouldn’t mind playing another VN sometime, I just need to find one with a story I’d be more interested in 🤔
(Also….none of the guys in this game were my type, so that didn’t help my playthrough experience either LOL)