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i feel like i'm in an alternate universe, because while everyone is praising the shit out of this game, i feel like it's a really terribly made prototype in which the only good thing it has is the boss designs (appearance wise, because gameplay wise they're absolutely fucking terrible).
i remember walking through the first minutes of the game wondering 'okay, when does it get that good? when do i finally get to experience the MasterPiece that everyone is talking about??' and i continued to feel this way till i finally abandoned it after reaching the second boss. it really doesn't get better than a prototype. i was planning to complete it, no matter how bad it was, because it costed me 40$, but i simply cannot bring myself to play it lol it feels like a chore....
the story makes no sense, its just a bunch of pointless poorly written dialogues scattered around a piece of land and it's really fucking annoying after being told it was a 'masterpiece'
i was told sonic stans had low standards but holy motherfucking shit! this is actually the worst gaming experience i've had since security breach (and i dare say it was better in some aspects!) and i feel like everyone is collectively trolling by saying this bullshit ass game is any good. it genuinely baffles me because you'd go into any bossfight video on youtube and everyone's like 'wish i could experience this masterpiece again' and i'm just so so so confused? like the gameplay is genuinely horrible and the bosses are button spamming at most? i really feel like i'm in a different universe! lil rant because i feel like i should've spent those 40$ on sea of thieves instead lol. worst thing is i had a hunch from the very beggining, watching those unity-project-looking empty environments with horrible pop-in issues, but my dumbass still wanted to try it because of the great reviews lmaooooo never again

Reviewed on Jan 20, 2023
