I’d heard a lot of great things about the Batman Arkham series, so I wished to try one out eventually.

That time is now, as I have beaten the main story and can safely say that I really enjoyed it! From the start, I was amazed at the stuff they were able to do on the Wii U. Sure, it’s noticeable where they cut corners, but it wasn’t that distracting for me. (I really don’t care about games running perfectly.)

As for the game itself, it’s honestly stunning in so many aspects. The attention to detail on the environments, the atmosphere of Arkham City that’s as beautiful as it is ruthless…it really pulls you into the fictional setting of Gotham better than I ever thought it would.

I also loved the writing and narrative. Paul Dini being as experienced as he is made every piece of dialogue way more charming than it has any right to. Especially from the basic grunts just talking in the streets. And the main plot was great, having some really good direction and…usually giving certain villains time to shine. (Two Face is crying in the corner)

And the gameplay, while not entirely my thing, was surprisingly good! I at least didn’t find the hand to hand combat annoying and it stayed relatively challenging. I usually preferred stealth though, and luckily the game gave me plenty of those sections to satiate that thirst.

I was worried they might be a bit too easy, but the last few were definitely more challenging, which alleviated that issue pretty quickly. I think Normal was a great first difficulty for someone like me, so I had enough leeway to not get stuck on certain parts for too long.

Anyway, yeah, I can see why this game is so heavily revered. I will definitely go back and try the first game, and maybe even the next two as well. It was a blast, and I know at some point I’ll be in the mood to take control of the Dark Knight once more.

Reviewed on May 23, 2022
