This game most definitely has issues, that’s just a fact with it. While some of it was out of their control, other parts were most definitely a case of ambitions not exactly working the way they wanted it to.

To put it plainly, the themes of the game are very heavy handed. While this wasn’t something that bothered me too much, it did make me realize how much intrigue there could’ve been if the game wasn’t focused on the tired question of “Is persecution of a specific group or race of people a bad thing?”

Other than that, what did annoy me was probably out of Eidos’ control. That being the marketing tactics Square Enix employed here come purely cause Human Revolution sold well. Forcing tons of apps and pre order BS, a multiplayer mode, and even micro transactions that were added so late into the game that they couldn’t even incentivize players to use them rather than playing normally (and thank god for that)

Let’s all be glad this company that chooses EnEfTees over this series no longer owns it.

Really, my only other big complaint is how rushed the ending feels. It’s all build up to a final chapter that you’d expect to play through, but you’re suddenly pulled away from the controller and told “Nope, you gotta wait for the third prequel game!”

But, other than that, I have to admit…this game is probably better in every way than Human Revolution! And I already really liked that game!

For one, the exploration was so much more rewarding! While you had options in HR, it often just consisted of hacking or finding very obvious vents to get to where you needed to go.

MD actually gives you way more options, and I had to legit think and experiment about how to go about certain objectives. Especially cause they don’t point directly towards where you need to go like HR did for its side quests.

They also improved the cover system a bit, allowing for more precise aiming out of cover and more ways to move from cover to cover and catch your enemies off guard.

While you’re doing this, you’ll probably also be taking in the sights cause my god this game looks so good! It holds up insanely well, and I just love the artstyle they went with here. Prague is just a beautiful backdrop and works well to contrast with the darker elements at play within that beauty.

And the side quests are actually excellent, and I went out of my way to do every single one I could find. That’s only something I’d do for games I just enjoy playing, like Future Redeemed just recently!

Overall though…despite the issues it has, this game was a blast for me and I am definitely returning to it to try different stuff. Still recommended by me for anyone interested in these games, along with all the others in the series (except Invisible War cause I haven’t played it yet)

Reviewed on Apr 29, 2023
