Most of the characters are fantastically designed, with their stories, designs and gameplay all meshing together to create a fantastic package that makes them feel very cohesive.
The games are quick to join, quick to play and quick to leave, making a very addictive and fun gameplay loop that still never feels mindless.
There is a massive skill ceiling, what with all the map objectives and their intricacies, each character’s depth and the Battlerites system, a set of perks that you can swap out on a game-by-game basis, allowing fantastic skill expression.
Enemies cannot out-build or in any way make the any given match unfair, meaning any failure on the battlefield is almost always your fault. This makes it very easy to improve, as you have no one to blame but yourself.
It is very cheap to purchase the all-champion package, and it actually reduces in price based on any pre-purchased

The matchmaking system is very annoying at times, with cancelled queues never telling you why they were cancelled, and they do not put you instantly back into the queue like other games. This leads to regular frustration.
The game has a fairly low playerbase, which can lead to long queue times and unbalanced games.
The game is essentially dead, with the developers not producing new content for the game anymore. This may lead to the game growing stale for some, as there is no change to liven up the gameplay or fix balance issues.

When I Like to Play
When I want to take part in MOBA-style teamfights without the full-game buildup of games like League of Legends

Reviewed on Aug 19, 2023
