Ever since I gained an appreciation for fighting games 3 years prior, Guilty Gear was one of my favourite brands on the market. Nevermind the fact that it is anime as hell, but the music and the style are everything that is hard rock n' roll. I think you would be hard pressed to find a fighting game series that comes close to matching it in attitude. Revelator adds some cool features including fishing for palettes and other unlockables in the player lobbies, the post launch figure mode for posing characters, and the return of Dizzy! I adore the soundtrack and still listen to tracks like Freesia and The Ship daily, but what really surprised me was the story mode. Like Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN-, it functions as a five or so hour long cutscene. Revelator really knocked it out of the park with important and memorable scenes that made me smile watching them. Characters like Sol, Faust, Robo-Ky, Slayer, and Johnny really put on a good show. I hope to see more of the Guilty Gear universe in the future.

Reviewed on Oct 09, 2021
