Oh, Middens, I wanted to like you so bad. This game is the definition of aesthetic to me. It's just stunning. The visuals are trippy and bizarre, like a more painted Yume Nikki. In fact, I think this game would've been better without the combat. A lot of RPG Maker games are plagued by being way too easy. However, this one swings in the exact opposite direction.

It's got the same open world exploration thing as YN, and in a game that looks like this, you WANT to explore, because you never know what you're gonna find around the corner. However, it's very hard to tell whether or not an overworld entity is an enemy or an NPC. Cutting the combat from this game might've been enough to save it, but we'll never know. Is there linear progression to this? Is there an actual story with an endgoal? I don't know, because every time I play it, I go exploring, get my ass beat by some stupid strong enemy, and then I give up because I felt like I was punished for exploring in a game that very obviously wanted to encourage exploration.

Reviewed on Jan 04, 2023

1 Comment

1 year ago

i really resonate with this yeahhhhhhh. its disappointing