There are a few issues that made me drop this game. Nothing that was frustrating or infuriatingly bad, just... boring. To start, the tutorial is set up in a poor way. I played the game jam version and not the 2021 unstable version, so I'm not sure what's been updated, but I think that for games like this that have an array of systems, you should teach the player how they work as they go along, instead of dumping it on them all at once and then never again. The main screen has three buttons that essentially say 'Monsters' 'Compete' and 'Store', and are pretty obvious as to what they do. So instead of telling them what all the options are before they even get the chance to explore, show the player the tutorial for each specific action when they select it for the first time.

I also have an issue with how the gameplay is very repetitive and doesn't really award the player with much, not to mention how expensive some of the purchases are compared to how cheap the one money making scheme in this game is. Basically, you do this 3-question quiz. There's no bar to entry but taking it will skip the clock forward no matter the result. If you get all three questions right, you win $500, but if you get even one question wrong, you get sent back to the previous screen and leave with only $100. I feel like you should be able to finish the quiz no matter how many you get wrong and your earnings should be based on how many you get right. I'm also unsure as to whether or not the day/time clock means anything. I got to about day eight or nine and nothing significant happened that wasn't directly caused by me playing (ie no calendar events).

I do get that this is a game jam game though, so I'm not sure how much time they had or what their parameters were.

Reviewed on Aug 19, 2023
