About as simple of a dungeon crawler as you can find. User-friendly enough and chill if you just want to grind, but not really interesting beyond that. I got interested in it after learning HAL worked on it, but it's really not their finest work.

Graphics and music are good, but gameplay can be really frustrating especially considering huge difficulty spike the game undergoes in chapter 3. Not only will you fight alone what's usually the hordes of enemies for some time, but the dungeon of chapter 3 is a beast of a maze that the game won't ever surpass.

It's a game that constantly surprises you, but none of its surprises are good. Party members leave and join whenever throughout the dungeon (them joining isn't a positive because you have to equip them again), bosses just pop up from nowhere.

If you want a simple experience that's basically nothing but grinding, get yourself an emulator to save state or rewind if needed, and you might have an ok time.

Reviewed on Aug 29, 2023
