As much as I adore gaming shitshows, it's even more exciting to see a developer rise from the ashes as they make better and better titles. After their disastorous Rambo game Teyon made a fairly good terminator game and finally I'd say they succeeded in making a great game.
This is perhaps the only time I'm glad that the industry is run by suits because if it was anyone more creative, I doubt Teyon'd get another chance.

I've never seen Robocop, but this isn't important for this game at all. What you get is a pretty good and very funny self-contained story filled with a lot of NPCs, side-quests, and even some moral choices that will affect your ending.

On the surface, Robocop commits some big FPS crimes that should really make it a bad game: you can only carry two weapons one of which isn't changeble ever, and your movement options are barely there. However, dev understood the assignment and made gunplay some of the most fun I've seen in a game - seeing a person's head pop is always a satisfying reward. Violence in general is REALLY meaty and great-looking.

There's some exploration to this game, and the game decides to forgo weird useless collectibles for something much better: virtually everything you find gives you exp. Simple, but effective solution to semi open-world games asking you to find 100 garbage pieces for no reason. Said exp is spent on various upgrade paths that either help you or make you way cooler. There are alternate sidemissions within missions, too, and the game does have some secrets.

I do wish the game was just a tad shorter, as I believe returning to its only semi-open world area four times is a bit too much. First time you'll likely explore it and find most of the collectibles only to realize on the second and third that you're just walking around looking for quests that are not actually on the map, which is just a time-waster. I don't mind quests not showing up on the map, but I do wish every return to downtown would have something new, as it does on the final visit.

However, for a game that's supposed to be quite limited, Robocop does try to introduce new mechanics fairly often. For example, second main mission introduces fast new enemy before catching you off-guard with a mine-field, on your way back places snipers, and finally provides you with a challenge where you and another policebot see who can score more kills. Not every mission is as varied, and I do think a few go for a bit too long, but over the course of maybe 15 hours of play I've been bored for only a few minutes, and that's saying a lot.

Reviewed on Nov 09, 2023
