A solid little top-down shooter where you play as Gizmo and run around in little dungeony levels shooting people. Not deep at all and a bit weird to control. There's a slight RPG aspect to it with one-time shops you find in levels where you can purchase health, an extra life, a balloon that'll take you out from pits, or a power-up for your weapon which will stay with you before death.

The game is a bit too zoomed-in so both platforming and shooting don't really mix, as you can cross a pit only for an enemy to hit you in the face. Your best tactic is to try and survive until each shop and stock up on health again and again.

It'd be a completely ok mediocre licensed title, but like many of this era towards the end it decides to just become hard, and does it by spamming its most obnoxious mechanic: conveyor belts.

I wouldn't call platforming good, but it's ok. Pretty standard Mega Man-y type stuff where you don't go into the hole until your heels are fully in it. The reason I mention the mechanic that's understood by every platforming game is that conveyor belts suck. The enemies aren't the problem, neither are pretty stupid bosses, the hardest part of the game comes from the unfair conveyors which will drop you into the pit the moment your toes even reach the hole. It sucks. It'd be another simple game otherwise: decent music, pretty good graphics, but it's this constant switcheroo on where you actually fall into the pit that I can't get past.

I also never quite got the mechanic where each level you get a new weapon that replaces your old one. Progression is fine and good, but if you're just forced to use a slightly better option, what's the point? I don't feel like much has been changed, it's like if in 1-2 of Super Mario Bros fireballs would have a lesser arc to their jumps. I didn't find the weapon, the game gave it to me, I didn't choose anything and the game didn't become different. Wish you could actually find and upgrade various weapons, since, as mentioned earlier, I've bought nothing but health and finished the game with a TON of money, and it seems there are no secrets whatsoever.

Reviewed on Apr 28, 2024
