Oh look, another Sony exclusive that is a carbon copy of the previous PS4 hit. Remarkable.

Say what you will about Microsoft's follies, their games are starting to look more appealing by virtue of being unique experiences. Not just "that game you liked 4 years ago, now with raytracing." My prediction is Sony's safe-mode approach is going to eventually backfire as we wait longer and longer for essentially the same game over and over. The generational leaps are getting smaller but the waits longer. After Horizon, God of War and now this, it's getting really boring.

Ok, with all that console war bullshit aside, I still ended up liking this game. It's just fun to play on a basic level and I thought the Symbiote powers were really cool and it satisfied my love of Spider-Man. There is also one section of the game that is so fucking awesome it made the game for me. I won't spoil it but... it made me a happy man child.

I didn't care that much for two characters that basically play the same, although I found it more fun to be Miles, I guess because his animations are more fun. This is still a knock-off Arkham game. I had numerous moments wishing Rocksteady would have just made another one of those. Better atmosphere, better combat and cooler integration of tertiary characters. It was cool to see Gotham brimming with strange heroes and villains. Most of the side quests here allude to characters but are nothing more than enemy bases or fetch quests. Why?

And for the love of God, no one plays a Spider-Man game to ride a bicycle or walk around a research facility or be Mary Jane. We didn't in the first game and still don't want to do that. BUT there is one horror section with MJ that almost forgives it, but still, I just can't understand why they force this stuff upon us. The writing isn't that good, sorry folks. No need to subject us to this.

Swinging feels great, and the web wings were much appreciated.

Reviewed on Nov 17, 2023
