Another amazing Team Ninja game. While it's not Nioh, it's definitely a game that stands out in high regards with its gameplay.

What surprised me that it takes the Ubisoft open-world formula with most of its strengths while the elements of Sekiro's traversal mechanics as well with a gliding traversal. It definitely made the game more engaging in that regard.

When it comes for its narrative, obviously for a Team Ninja game it has awful incohesive story. Despite it being an adaption of the Boshin War, it falls flat when it came demonstrating the events that transpired. The historical characters felt flat and was mostly just eye candy.

Gameplay will always be Team Ninja's greatest feat. Using the Ninja Gaiden's core system as their blueprints paints the game to be completely engaging and extremely fun. The parrying mechanic is perhaps the most satisfying system from all the games I have played thus far. I only wished the game wasn't too literal with its historical setting so we could have have more beasts and non-sapient creature to go against with this system.

The game had an easy but fun Platinum overall. It's very much worth playing this game if you value high skilled games like Nioh or Ninja Gaiden.

Reviewed on Apr 05, 2024
