It has a good hook with the general vibe and mystery surrounding what's going on, and I love the creativity with the items and generally exploring is pretty fun. But while getting to the first ending is pretty reasonable, a pretty significant amount of the game's content works toward a true ending and is designed to be obtuse puzzles for the sake of being obtuse/for an audience that loves that sort of thing, and there's never really any payoff plot-wise--there's no big reveal that's going to explain the world. It's just a place that exists for you to do things in. Which, I mean it's not like the dev is obligated to have a greater meaning, but I think there's a substantial amount of mystique/mystery in the environment that serves as a hook here, so it's disappointing to never really see it addressed.

I think if you're someone that just wants a short, cute Metroidvania to explore and beat, this is probably a good bet for you once it gets to the $10 range on a sale. And then you can just play it through to the first ending and have gotten what you wanted. But so much of the "meat" of the game really comes down to gameplay that, for the vast majority of the audience, is just going to amount to "searching up a guide online and then crossing off a checklist as they go to place and press the right button to find a thing they never would've found there on their own." That is, unless you're a Metroidvania fan that wants to do things like comb over every inch of a game repeatedly for potential secrets hidden anywhere (even in the background), or figure out the correct way to decipher an extremely long sequence and the correct way/place to utilize the deciphered code, in which case, hey, this is going to be a 5/5 for you easily. But if that's not you, while the game is still good for a Metroidvania-lover, this game will not live up to the hype it has.

Reviewed on May 15, 2024
