If you're playing this game for the gameplay then this ain't it.

However, if you're playing this game for the characters and the overall story then I would say it's a very enjoyable experience. The character designs of the all the main cast are wonderful. Not to mention the music in all the areas is top-notch and I enjoyed every song.

I would also suggest to ignore all the side quest causality links, you quickly start to notice they just repeat through multiple students anyway and I never found I needed any of the rewards they gave to complete the story.

TL;DR: The gameplay gets repetitive and you quickly over level the enemies so you can just spam A to win in fights. However, the overall story, character stories and music make this a well-worth game to experience.

Oh, also, buy the game when it's half-price like I did. I think £45 for this game is a bit too much but felt like the £20 I paid was worth it for the enjoyment I got out of it.

Reviewed on Jan 16, 2022
