I feel like this game fell slightly short of XC1 DE. The cast of characters, although loveable (especially Zeke and Pandoria, they stole the show for me) did not hit me quite as hard as the semi 'found family' trope with the cast of XC1. This might just be due to the slightly less serious nature of the characters and story, though.

The environments have a lot more depth to them in exploration than those of XC1, however I do feel like XC1 still wins in the pure design of the areas.

The music, again, is phenomenal and I never got bored of a piece.

The story... Even though I only finished the game yesterday, if you asked me to tell you what the story was about I would only be able to give you vague "uhh they wanted to go to Elysium... Malos bad...." I just felt that there wasn't much substance there which was a little bit of a let-down coming off of the back of XC1. However, the way the story slowly weaves its way to connect to XC1 is wonderful and I'm very excited to play through the Golden Country DLC next and then onto XC3!

Also, blades are a cool idea but the gacha mechanic is very zzzzzzzzz, at least have a pity system.

Reviewed on Jul 30, 2022
