So, as the saying goes, typically the first Final Fantasy game you play will end up as your all-time favourite. For me that is no exception, I first played FFXIII when it released on PS3 back in 2010, so replaying it over a decade later on PC was a really fun and nostalgic experience, I even went so far as to platinum the game, something which I never did on the PS3 version.

Does this game have the best battle system or the best story? No at all. Although I love the paradigm system, it feels very rudimentary even when you learn that every second paradigm switch your characters will get a full ATB gauge, in fact, once you know about ATB cancel the system becomes even more rudimentary.

As for the story, it's so very bare-bones but I love it dearly despite that, or perhaps, because of that. There's just something about this cast of characters forced into this situation in which they have no choice but to battle it out until the very end that tugs on my heart strings, especially Hope, I dunno, I just feel for the poor kid.

I am also a staunch Vanille-supporter because I was 15 when I first played this game and I very much related to her "let's just run away" attitude lmao.

ANYWAY as for the platinum, is it worth getting? Not unless you have a second monitor to watch about 5 days worth of stuff on while you grind out C'eith missions, gil, materials for upgrades etc. Honestly the only reason I got the platinum was because I remember how badly 15 year old me wanted it, so I just did it to honour my past self.

In conclusion, I am whole-heartedly aware that my love for this game comes from the fact it is my first FF game and therefore is extremely nostalgic for me coupled with the fact that 15 year old me empathised with both Hope and Vanille and at the time I did thoroughly enjoy the story. If you played literally any FF game before XIII it will fall extremely short of the mark however, to me, it will always be my favourite.

Reviewed on Feb 16, 2023
