As someone that considers Super Mario Sunshine one of my favorite games of all time, EpicWade's Super Mario Sunburn mod was really damn good. It was basically a "What if Super Mario Sunshine got the development time it deserved."

The game in terms of its physics and control is still the janky marvel Sunshine always was, however, Sunburn opts to make the game fall more in line with Mario's other outings in terms of progression. Sunburn unifies alot of the game's missions allowing you to complete multiple without being booted out. Blue Coins for the most part have also been unified, now appearing in a majority of levels (when possible). Red Coins now count towards coin total and more coins have been added in every stage to make 100 Coin Shines more manageable. You can also skip cutscenes too!

There's a slurry of other changes and its all wrapped up nicely between either patching the game to be completed under a 70 Shine Criteria or the original criteria Sunshine had (beat Shadow Mario in each level).

There was some new challenge levels made by the modder, but they're not too great in my opinion. Fun little novelties that I applaud the effort of though!

Overall, if you're itching to play Super Mario Sunshine today, I implore you to play Super Mario Sunburn. It is absolutely the best way to experience the game today.

Reviewed on Aug 30, 2023
