Man, what a game to finish at the height of the gaming industry cutting jobs and dissolving studios. My heart goes out to those affected, hope you can find work soon.

Going Under is a fairly short and challenging rougelike beat em up that satirizes corporate and company heads and how they affect all kinds of businesses and people. Its shite we gotta deal with in the real world, and in lieu of that, the writing and characters are pretty relatable as well.

The music is chill and the visuals are so appealing-I love how the character designs and overall style of the game replicates material you'd see in Job PSAs, Safety, and Pamphlet ads. its very distinct.

Now with it being a rougelike, it is one of those games that won't click with everyone. You die, you start from square one, but you can have mentors and skills to help you out as you unlock them. Layouts are varied per dungeon, you may notice similar layouts be used per run, but Going Under combats this with differing enemy types per run per room.

I can see how the game's combat may come off as mindless button mashing to some but honestly? Didn't feel that way to me. I really enjoyed thinking of the most optimal skills and mentors to stick with and maximizing the amount of damage i can deal per room with what's available. Deaths are frustrating for sure, but its so satisfying to nail victories.

Overall, I enjoyed Going Under! It was a fun time!

Reviewed on May 10, 2024
