This game was super fun to start to finish, its a bit slow, but you get used to it after a level or two.

The game is extremely short if you're not going for completion but man, I wish it were longer, its pretty clear to me that the developers wanted to make this game bigger and have more worlds but they were stuck to a strict deadline because this game coincided with the release of Epic Mickey 2.

The Touch Screen stuff was a bit tedious to deal with when it called for it, but it stopped bugging me the more I played once I learned that you can skip a ton of the "required" ones outright. Kinda made the game feel like I was scaling my own difficulty in some places. Preferably would've had the tracing stuff be locked to sidequests.

The sidequests aren't horrible, but they are a bit of busy work since you'd have to replay some levels to get the thing the character wants. You don't have to do all of them to beat the game though but I wish you could just leave the level once collecting the sidequest items.

Overall, a fun game that I'd probably say is above average in some ways. I just wish it got more time it deserved.

Reviewed on Nov 10, 2022
