Having played many, many hours of the original Diablo 2, I thought this would be a great bite of nostalgia to sink my teeth into for some hours. Maybe complete the campaign, do a little bit of farming, why not? Having just done my first league of PoE and having tried Last Epoch recently, I was in the mood to play some more ARPG. So I gave it a shot.

I should not have given it a shot.

Diablo 2's atmosphere is still wonderfully grimdark and broody, with color in all the right places to make things pop, but the actual act of playing the game is a torture of the senses. Slow, plodding, unsatisfying to press buttons in, incredibly boring bosses even relative to the rest of the genre, the most flaccid endgame experience of all time... it goes on. Besides the graphics and its own namesake, I don't know how this game competes with its contemporaries in today's age.

Hell, I guess those things are what got ME to buy the remake, so egg on my face.

One day I will stop trying to revisit my old nostalgia games only to be disappointed. Maybe.

Reviewed on Jun 08, 2023
