OK RPG that is nowhere near the return to formula that people were expecting from Obsidian. The items you pick up are generally useless and there isn't a convenient way to use them so they'll stack up in your inventory.

Also, I hate greedy fucking capitalists as much as the next guy, but the way they're presented falls flat. They're presented as morons that can't do anything right, which is untrue in the real world. The capitalist villains in the real world are cunning, ruthless, and intimidating. Not once did I feel like I was going up against a force to be reckoned with because they all felt like the villain from the Lorax. You can say that it was played up for comedy, but the comedy falls flat whenever the punchline is just that capitalists are stupid, when in actually they're dangerous because they use their intelligence to exploit others. Siding against the corporations has almost no consequences other than higher prices for items you probably already picked up at only some of the vendors.

It also feels like you're pushed to make the "right" choice instead of the choice you feel is right. Some minor spoilers, but the first major choice you make in the game is to doom a corporate town or a town of people who broke off from the town. Since the player has probably found out that the corporate town is incompetent by now, they'll most likely want to side with the deserters, but your party member unsubtlely nudges you to side with the corporate town. This is because if you do this you'll be able to let the deserters take over the corporate town while sparing the lives of those who live in it by only passing a very easy speech check (or shooting the mayor in the head like a did lmao). I think it would've been more gratifying if the player got to experience the consequences of their choices first hand instead of being guilt-triped by you companion into making a choice you wouldn't have made normally. This would've added more replayability, because you'd want to experiment with the choices and decide which one is better yourself. There isn't really any replayability if there is an undeniable best choice, because you'll always want to pick the best choice unless you're roleplaying as someone who makes bad choices.

I will say that the environments are sometimes cool and that the combat is fun, if repetitive. The thing I liked the most about the Outer Worlds were the crew of companions that you pick up along the way. It gave me some Mass Effect 2 vibes driving a ship around space with a crew of misfits. They were mostly a likeable and relatable cast of characters and they all offer unique outlooks on the world built in the Outer Worlds.

If you find the game on sale, I'd pick it up just so you can form your own opinion on it, because a lot of people seemed to like it when it came out. However, I see next to no one talk about it anymore.

Only thing holding it back from a half star is that music

Is this game a ginger? Because it has no soul