With how disappointing the 8-bit Sonic games have been, I was fully expecting Sonic Chaos to be yet another morning spent careening into enemies and hazards that were impossible to anticipate, power-chugging a NOS, and shrugging it off as another 2/5. Perhaps because my expectations were so low, I actually wound up enjoying my time with Sonic Chaos, even despite skipping the Master System version to play the cropped down Game Gear release instead. Look, this isn't on Sonic Gems Collection, I wasn't actually beholden to this like I was with Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (I could've approached this like I did for Sonic 1!) but for some reason I just made the choice to play it like that and I don't know why. I'm a strange creature.

I will likely go back and play the Master System version soon just to correct this mistake, but despite suffering from many of the same flaws as the other Game Gear Sonics (horrible screen crunch primarily), the level design in Chaos feels altogether more cohesive and oriented around building a satisfying sense of speed. Sonic the Hedgehog - like its Genesis counterpart - has a stronger focus on platforming that can feel dodgy at times, and Sonic the Hedgehog 2 is lousy with pits, spikes, and gimmicks that don't feel good. The bar wasn't exactly set high, but to Sonic Chaos' credit, it passed it.

They also gave Sonic rocket AND spring sneakers, it's like an apology for this nerd getting his shoes stole.

I intended to follow this game up with the fan made 16-bit remake, which I saw several years ago and thought looked very promising. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like there's been much beyond the 2018 SAGE demo, and besides some assurances the project was still active a few years ago, I mostly pulled up threads of people asking what happened to it. Regardless of what's ultimately happened to the project, the demo is well worth checking out and serves as a great proof of concept for what a Genesis/Mania-style remake could be. Considering the reception of the Triple Trouble remake, I certainly hope that someone eventually gives Sonic Chaos the same treatment.

I also played this game in the same smoke-filled home that I spent so much time in playing Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Game Gear) and Destruction Derby, so it's got that stink on it. But nostalgia is hardly a factor here when I also preferred this game to Sonic 2 back in the day. It's just better put together, even if it might not avoid every pitfall of the Game Gear Sonics.

Reviewed on Aug 28, 2023
