Played as Elise Riggs because there's something about narcissistic Canadians that push their friends off cliffs and then go "you gotta get over it, honey" that I am drawn to.

I've never played an SSX game before, but Tricky has existed in the back of my mind ever since seeing the commercials for it back in the early 2000s. They don't make advertising like this for games anymore and we're all poorer for it. Don't give me some cinematic drivel, show me action, and cut it up with footage of kids spinning around really, really fast! SSX Tricky's attitude and the use of Run DMC's It's Tricky definitely made the game memorable, so on some level this advertising campaign worked... I just didn't buy it and instead thought about it for 20+ years.

Well now I have a hard drive I can load up with whatever the hell I want, and SSX Tricky is one of only two snowboarding games I threw on there, the other being SSX 3. Look I know about these and 1080 Avalanche, the only ice I've shredded prior has been in Sonic Adventure and freaking Snowboard Kids, which probably explains why I'm not all that good at Tricky. Clawing the controller like I'm trying to tear a crab in half with my bare hands felt awkward, but I eventually got enough tricks down to beat the game, and as Elise rose up the ranks, I too started to feel like the villain of some 90s snowboarding movie.

The learning curve for Tricky's stunt system meant I had more fun in races, although some courses overstay their welcome. They are made more interesting by a sort of protoplasmic Nemesis System, wherein some opponents may be friendly towards you or be out for blood depending on how their character relates to yours and what actions you take against them. Start shoving one particular opponent off cliffs and into walls and you might find that they're kind of pissed at you in the next race. Elise thinks it's funny because Elise is a fucking sociopath. At least she's not Psymon, this freak's all hunched over standing three feet from the camera, examining you like a piece of meat, I don't want to know what his deal is.

It's too bad the series died after 2012's SSX, because snowboarding games are such a rare breed now, and they're all lacking in personality. It's all stuff like Riders Republic, which looks stylish if you're judging a game by its cover, but is an Ubisoft game to the bone. I need more of this early-2000s edge, I want to see Elise crack Marisol in the knees with a ballpeen hammer so she can climb her way to the top of SSX. You say I dislike modern gaming because of undiagnosed depression, I say I dislike modern gaming because they don't put SSX games out anymore.

Reviewed on Dec 15, 2023


4 months ago

Just noticed that picture of Psymon has him with maxed out Edging. Accurate.

4 months ago

every time i see this game i think it says SEX tricky, and now theres edging?

4 months ago

Im unconvinced until snowboarding gets the Tony Hawk / Dave Mirra treatment.