I'm just like Captain Falcon, I'm getting exploded all the time.

Along with Pilotwings, F-Zero might be the most technically impressive entry in the Super Nintendo's launch lineup, though it is less a demo and more a proper video game. Sure, the Sega Genesis had been out for a while and had already simulated 3D spaces to great effect with games like Space Harrier, but F-Zero is so smooth and runs so fast that even with the leg up, it makes a strong case for investing in Nintendo's 16-bit hardware.

Setting aside its role as a Mode 7 showpiece, it's just a well-designed racing game, with incredibly engaging courses, cars that handle great, and a satisfying sense of speed that is rarely interrupted by performance hitches. F-Zero isn't bogged down by a bunch of track gimmicks, it lacks depth mechanically, it's about as straight-forward as you can get, but I think that's a strength.

That's not to say it's perfect, though. F-Zero might be one of the better racing games on the SNES but it also suffers from issues typical of this generation. There's rubberbanding, and god help you if you screw up and smack into a wall near the end of a race, because your position will be taken by at least a car or two. Whenever you're behind a racer, they have a tendency to weave back and forth to prevent you from overtaking them, and during late game courses where tracks become more narrow and turns more tight, it can feel like threading a needle where inaccuracy is punished harshly by bouncing you against walls like a pinball until you blow up.

That said, I'm a huge Super Mario Kart defender, so I can't judge F-Zero too harshly for its sins, and if it came down to it, I'd knock Mario Kart off the shelf if it meant having room for F-Zero. Great pickup for Super Famicom owners. CIB sets are still affordable, and not only is the game in English, the comic in the back of the manual is, too. Even numbers the speech bubbles to guide native Japanese speakers as it's presented left-to-right. I thought that was neat. F-Zero is neat.

Reviewed on Jan 14, 2024


first f zero is pretty nice, f zero gx however is apparently peak i need to play it

3 months ago

@NOWITSREYNTIME17 It's in my backlog, definitely going to get to it, but I picked up a copy of F-Zero X last week and will probably hit them in order.
good idea, I need to get to that one too