I've been putting this review off for a week. I don't much want to think about Aero the Acro-Bat let alone write about him, but I played the game and now I have to do a review. If I don't, the people that put me up to this will shoot me in the back of the head and I'll be found dead in a ditch the next morning.

I suppose the nicest thing I can say about this game is that I don't remember much of it. Levels have greater variety and are more intelligently designed, and in general the game looks and sounds better, but Aero still controls like he's covered in grease. It takes what should otherwise be a passable if mediocre platformer and makes it torturous to play. Every minute I was playing this game was spent wishing it would just end.

There's cutscenes between levels, which are hideously rendered. They really wanted to build the lore of Aero the Acro-Bat. Newcomer Batasha is basically a proto-Rouge the Bat and she looks horrifying. Whoever designed her has got to have a Fur Affinity account filled to the brim with the most disturbed artwork you've ever seen in your life.

This game gets two stars if only because the soundtrack is less abrasive, but I'm deducting one for Batasha awakening a level of fear in me that I never knew I could experience.

Reviewed on Apr 25, 2022
