For the umpteeth time, I remember nothing about these games. I guess maybe that says something about how invested in Mega Man I am in general. Despite growing up with the series, I think only three or four games across the original and MMX series actually resonated with me. The rest form one massive black hole that sucks away all my memories of them the second the credits roll.

Anyway, based off the notes I have for this game, I gave it a C. I guess that means I thought it was marginally better than the last one, but nothing more than just "alright." Could not tell you why, and at this point I just want to remove this albatross hanging around my neck that is the Mega Man X series. Thankfully this is the last one I played for my Bucket List, so I can quickly move on to stuff I have a lot more to say about.

Side note: all the covers for the PlayStation era Mega Man X games suck ass. Low effort. There's very little artistic value left in the craft of designing game covers nowadays, but good god they just didn't try with these. Copy and paste two stock images of the characters and call it a D-A-Y.

Reviewed on Feb 13, 2023
