Little Silly, Cute Kitty

I'm a cat owner and have been for the last sixteen or so years of my life. My first cat was an all black football cat named Lurkey. This was a name given by my father because our large lad spent the first year of his life with us after moving in from the frigid outdoors living in the shoe room only emerging from his cave to eat and use the litter. Lurkey passed and my parents obtained a new cat via the cat distribution system while I was away in college, her name was Esme and she was also a black cat with a shame reminiscent of a pigskin. I write this all to say that I have a long love for black cats, and Little Kitty Big City is playing right into its target demographic here... a gamer with a cat who grew up with black cats.

My ferocious feline, named Albert Whisker (yes RE fans that's for you,) began to maul at my screen as SOON as I started Little Kitty, Big City. Maybe upset he isn't getting the same adventure in my humble apartment as our purring protagonist gets in a bustling (presumably) Japanese city, but that's neither here nor there. LKBC gives you one simple objective as the procatonist: get home after a tragic fall leaves you... not home! What gives the game a runtime as long as you want is the world filled with a plethora of collectibles, objectives, and animals to meet and converse with around town. The humor is endearing, a continuous hide and seek match with a chameleon comes to mind here, and the charm of interaction with your surroundings is endless. The environment is easy to make your way around and becomes immediately familiar to the player after a few rounds. I commend the dev team for knowing how to stack things inside such a small area to make it fun and traversal not feel like you're spinning in circles through the same area.

Ultimately this is a short game without too many bones to stand on, but it was fun for the couple hours I ran through the "main story" and putzed around side objectives. I had a few bugs that I couldn't really call frustrating because well... look at the game, but they were a bit annoying when trying to time or prepare jumps that faltered right away. I only had to reload a save once after being stuck in a stool but again, I only lost about a minute or two of progress. Game Pass was the right price for LKBC, otherwise I probably wouldn't have bought it. I'd recommend to anyone with a subscription or people who just really like cats, it's a fun one.

Reviewed on May 10, 2024


12 days ago

There's actually an "unstuck" button in the game settings, not that the game advertises it very well lol

11 days ago

@HazeRedux yeah had no idea haha, good to know because it's surely needed!