Mass Effect 3 is a perfect way to wrap up Bioware’s storied space epic. Earth is gone, Palaven is gone, the entire universe is at the mercy of an ancient threat reawakon, how does one man (or woman) end this enemy once and for all? The answer is with the help of every damn species from the Milky Way onward (except for those dang Batarians!) While many had justifiable qualms with the ending of the game the first go around, it has since been adjusted to do more justice than I could have ever imagined. I won’t get into spoilers because ME is a series I wish everyone could experience (and it feels like everyone has) but I don’t think this game deserves the hate it gets for the way it wrapped the legendary story up.

The only thing I don’t like about ME3 Is the UI but outside of that? The game is damn near perfect. You spend the last time you’ll ever have with the Normandy crew, and thanks to missions like the Citadel DLC you get to witness soldiers being humans, partying and living their lives as it if were (and for some is) their last day alive. Visiting and checking in on your crew has been a mainstay of the ME series and in game number three it feels even more bittersweet and important than ever before. Checking in with Ashley, Tali, Garrus, and Liara makes it feel like visiting an old friend before they move away for good. These characters, and credit to the original Bioware crew, have an insane amount of depth and intricacies to make them feel unique in a species of trillions. You go from a run of the mill space commander in ME1 to the person responsible for the fate of every living being, synthetic and organic. I think a novel could be written about why Mass Effect is so special, and in particular this game, but I will let the game itself do it justice. There’s a reason that Jennifer Hale (English VA for Femshep) hosts an N7 day call with most of the cast every year on November 7th, it’s because the game has a special sense of unity and belonging for so many. The voice acting is leagues above most of the gaming landscape and particularly was for time, bringing to life some of the most colorful and impactful characters in the history of the medium.

I’m Commander Shepard and this is my favorite game in the Mass Effect universe.

Reviewed on Aug 18, 2021


2 years ago

Yes, someone who agrees that this game is one of the best ever. Love it.

2 years ago

Glad you agree Dostwood