Reviews for PUBG are extremely inconsistent and telling of the era that players joined the game in. What most people may not know is that it currently stands as the fifth best selling game of all time, and the time when it came out in 2017 throughout 2018 was one of the most magical times to be a fan of the shooter genre. PUBG, while holding a storied history riddled with bugs, has had the greatest gunplay in a shooter since its inception. Players are reward for their skill of aiming, for playing smart and shooting only when necessary, for knowing how to lob a good grenade and drive when under fire.

Those who join the game now or review it now may not be aware of the impact it has had on gaming, without PUBG you have no Fortnite, Warzone, or Apex Legends. Or if you do none of them are making waves to the same degree. Now I don’t think its fair to review a game based on its influence, so I won’t but outside of that I think PUBG and the 3700+ hours I’ve spent in it have been special and irreplaceable.

My memories with PUBG and the special squadron I’ve spent time with make this game so good for me. Things like the hours upon hours of laughs due to bugged vehicle explosions, friendly fire, and just simply running around in between circles are hard to describe but truly did impact me quite a lot. Not only is it fun to play with friends, but I feel like my shotcalling skills and tactical ability were highly rewarded. I have hundreds if not thousands of wins by now, and I feel like a majority of those came because me and my squad were able to tactically outplay enemies by positioning better and communicating better. We may not be the best mechanically or have the highest KD, but I think our cohesion and the fun we have together make PUBG so special.

PUBG is imperfect sure, and the company is doing its best to run it into the ground with a broken store and inconsistent communication, however to me the experiences I’ve had with it and the core gameplay make it my favorite gaming experience of all time.

Reviewed on Aug 18, 2021
