This would be the absolute coolest game in the world if it didn't require the collective GPU power of the entire continental United States to run at a stable frame rate.

Seriously, this game is what I wanted after playing Neon White earlier this year, some mix between Doom and Mirror's Edge that gleamed with beautiful and vibrant synthetic aesthetics. The parkour is basic enough to master quickly, yet intricate enough to mold any maps movement to your liking, which allows the flow of combat to stay permanently high. Gun variety was whatever, but that's alright because the adrenaline rush granted by headshots, kicks for new weapons, and arm-cannon trickery kept the game going at a pace previously unknown to mankind. This game felt like Unreal Tournament on drum and bass ketamine, it was an unstoppable force of forward forward forward. The drawback, which was enough for me to dock this some serious consideration points, was how awfully this ran on my very new rig. Once there were enough enemies in the arena, it didn't take long for my game to dip below 18 frames which in a shooter, let alone where your health is as fragile as Severed Steel, is inexcusable.

I'd recommend Severed Steel if you want to be a GAMER at 400 miles per hour in a fourth dimension, but if you're not a fan of fast paced, parkour based shooters, this probably isn't your jam.

Reviewed on Aug 13, 2022
