God, i wish i could say this game was good. But fuck incest, fuck the creator for KNOWINGLY putting incest into the game. And fuck the game for using incest as some sort of way to show how despicable the characters are. This doesnt belong in a fucking video game

Reviewed on Jan 09, 2024


3 months ago

This is kind of a weird and Twitter-y take that I'm trying to understand but failing.

"Knowingly putting it in"? Well, yeah, it's kind of about that so of course they did. "Doesn't belong in a video game"? What? It's horror. Where else Would it belong? If horror can't show horrific things, what's the point of it? Where can dark things be explored if you're saying it doesn't belong in fiction, in genres created specifically to explore these things? It just seems like a massively slippery censory slope.

It also has gratuitous murder and cannibalism and abuse. Yet you don't say "Fuck murder", "fuck cannibalism", only the incest part? What makes that different? Do you have to say "and fuck murder by the way" every time you watch a violent movie or else you're condoning actual murder? If you take the route with incest, the game actively tells you you shouldn't. People don't play horror games because they just love cannibalism and incest, they play it because they want to be horrified.

3 months ago

Also kinda confused by "Fuck the game for using incest to show how despicable the characters are" because ??? If it wasn't, you'd be angry about it romanticising it or acting like incest is good. But you also hate when incest is treated as immoral and bad?