A fun game with interesting story, but it tries to be a RPG and action game at the same time which ends up in both not reaching it's gameplay potential.
Also first game of 2024 & first big PS5 game.

My thoughts:
(+ = (mostly) positive; - = (mostly) negative)
+ Gameplay;
I enjoyed it but it was a bit too repetitive. Throughout the game you get new abilities and they pretty much all do the same, deal damage. I really wish more rpg elements came into play, because now I was just spamming attacks instead of having to think about what attack would do most damage (because of a weakness for example).
The icon battles were fun te see and was impressed by the visuals and such, gameplay wise it was a bit too easy.
I have to say the controls felt very nice. You felt the impact of your attacks and doing a parry or perfect invade felt satisfying.

++ Music;
Like most FF games, also this game's music was on point. I do wish they would be more suited to casually listen to, but that would have been an extra. While playing the game all music perfectly fits.

+ Graphics;
I've made several screenshots and felt like they gave you time to do so. Got some impressive visuals but most of the areas you visit feel too similar.

+ Story/Characters;
The part of the story I enjoyed the most is how the main message can be translated to real life. Makes me think about stuff, which is a plus for me.
The side missions were a bit much, especially later in the game. They surely loved talking, because plenty of things could have been told in 2 sentences instead of 15.

The characters were alright. I didn't really get attached to them and there wasn't a favorite for me in the end. Probably cid if I had to chose one.

Yes and no. Idk actually. I'll just say I enjoyed my time and don't regret playing it at all. I just don't know who to recommend it to, because I feel like there a other games who I would recommend instead. It's mostly because of what I said earlier, it tries to be an RPG and action game but in the end it's only half of both.

Reviewed on Jan 14, 2024
