Finally got around to playing this myself. I did watch a playthrough of this game when it first came out because everyone was playing it on Youtube in 2012. I have never watched the show or read the comics.

I had fun with it. The game does make difficult choices. The story doesn't really adapt to how you play. It's linear. It has a set path. The choices are more like who likes/dislikes you most of the time. Still, I enjoyed it.

Sometimes the controls were off, like walking. I had a model of a character completely invisible. Everyone was looking and talking about a character that was supposed to be here, but the scene was completely empty. That made me laugh. So minor bugs but nothing game breaking.

I do not like only auto saving. You should always have a choice to manually save or save and quit. I lost some gameplay a couple of times because I would need to suddenly quit the game with no option to do so. Sucks.

I also don't care about the episode format like a tv show. It'll show NEXT TIME and then a bunch of spoilers. I understand this game released episodes separately at launch and they wanted to get you excited; but damn, they should have adjusted that when it was finished. It's really silly and off putting.

Reviewed on Jan 10, 2024
