Wonderful experience! This is not a samurai game, but a photography game to snap pictures of the world and animals. I don't usually mess with in-game editors and keep screenshots of large games like this, but I easily racked up a ton of pictures here.

The world design is gorgeous. The team did an outstanding job bringing it to life. I took photos of birds, deer, and of course, foxes. The facial movements were well done. Pathing was great. I think I only saw one NCP in the entire game walking around in a circle, hah. Anytime I was stuck, the game was nice enough to get me out and place me next to the spot; instead of having to reload to save myself.

The story was entertaining and I enjoyed the characters. I appreciate the dark and realistic sufferings in the stories. I thoroughly enjoyed that most of the game, I could just run in and do my destruction that way. Very minimal sneaking around. Absolutely fun, running dudes over with a horse and swinging a katana. I am SUPER grateful for the trophies. I want more games to follow suit! No second playthrough required, no difficulty locked, no missable achievements. This was a blast to platinum.

Reviewed on Jan 10, 2024
