I almost hate that I love this as much as I do...

I'm sure that like a lot of other people, the announcement of a Dead Space remake during this period where it seems every company is preforming necromancy on their franchise's earlier entries really rubbed me the wrong way. We were not that far removed from EA's gutting of Visceral Games, and seeing this was being made by some other in-house EA dev team that few had ever really heard of seemed particularly skeezy and cynical. I didn't really pay attention to game and was instead hyped for The Callisto Protocol, which was being made by some ex-Visceral guys.

Unfortunately, The Callisto Protocol (while by no means as bad as a lot of people made it out to be) wasn't quite the Dead Space successor I was hoping for. So, I gave in and snagged this game because I am a piece of shit worm... and I really dug it!

I still think Dead Space 2 is the best game in the franchise (and really just one of the best Third Person Shooters out there, honestly) thanks to it's immaculate pacing, fantastic level design and quicker gunplay which make for an overall tighter game than this one imho. But with that being said, this remake has really made the original 2008 Dead Space (a game that I thought and still think has aged really well) a much less essential experience, which I believe is the best thing a remake can do.

Good job, Motive! While I hope y'all decide to do DS4 instead of another remake, I wouldn't be too upset seeing what ya' pull off for DS2!

Reviewed on Feb 20, 2023
