Armored Core 1 but bad? What a deal!

This game is literally the same as Armored Core 1 with little to no difference, I'm guessing they tried to do something like an expansion to the first game and it wasn't possible in 1997 so they just rereleased the whole thing with new missions, and guess what, they suck.

I had to drop the game because the missions were so frustrating and weird, it's also way tougher than the original Armored Core for no reason at all it's just not fun!
Maybe someday I'll come back to it to finish it just for the sake of completion but what a disappointment, games are supposed to get better over time not worse.

Reviewed on May 20, 2023


1 year ago

What are you on about? It added the arena, a whole concept and there’s 17 total missions as wanting to do a linear, narrative focused title. AC 1 has 50+ missions

1 year ago

Fighting dumb AI for a low amount of cash to end up playing more frustrating missions isn't my thing sorry, I'd rather play the easier mission from the first game which made me do something else than fight the same mecha over and over in the arena mode.

1 year ago

Then you might want to try out AC 2 another age, 100 missions and no arena. I’m playing through it right now and it’s outstanding.

11 months ago

The missions in this game are all easy as fuck besides maybe the final one and that one where you had to fight Stinger in the enclosed space lol