I feel like this game is in the same timeline as FJK Reloaded.

Mr.President! is a "3D platformer" with the goal of saving Trump by either takin the bullet for him or getting him out of the way, each stage is structured in a way where you need to reach the end while avoiding the obstacle or else you'll fall into a ragdoll animation similar to how goat simulator plays.
As dumb as this game sounds it's a ton of fun for the most part, it's mostly good because the idea is silly and it's fun to die and retry but some stages are just straight up badly designed and really makes you wish you had the ability to skip that stage, it doesn't feel like Super Meat Boy for example where you always feel like it's your fault for not being able to complete a stage, Mr.President! relies a bit too much on the ragdoll randomness to complete certain stage and it can be really frustrating, and yes I'm talking about the Putin stages they are terrible.

Other than that this game features two wrestling side modes which one of them makes you play as Trump and your goal is to put all of the immigrants out of the ring, and in the second one you play as the body guard and you have to do some takedown wrestling moves to trump, I don't know anything about wrestling so call that however you want. Trump's game mode isn't particularly fun but I had a lot of fun with the Bodyguard's one.

You probably already noticed that the humor of this game is particularly dated and pretty much only made sense in 2016, nobody really talks about Trump anymore and that's probably why nobody talks about this game anymore, it was just a silly viral game and we pretty much all enjoyed our time either playing it or watching our favourite youtubers playing it because back then everyone played it!
Should you play this game? For sure, it's a ton of fun and nobody cares about dated political jokes, if the game is fun then it's worth a playthrough.

Reviewed on Jul 09, 2023
