I wonder if they bundled this game with Clone High DVDs...

JFK Reloaded isn't a remake of a game called JFK mind you, it's a unique game where you play as the person who assassinated our beloved John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
This isn't much of a game, to be honest, it's more of a tech demo that tried to be as offensive as possible and I can't really defend this game much. Comparing it to a game like Postal 2 which tries to be controversial but it's all crafted in a comical way where it's more of a satire like a playable satire movie or a political comic, JFK Reloaded is just a simulation of the assassination of JFK and to the game credit, it's extremely well made.

As previously mentioned, the goal is to reenact the murder of JFK and you need to do it in the most historically accurate way possible because if you fail a single thing your score will lower. At the end of each run, you get a scoreboard showing the things you've done properly and the things you've missed or done in the wrong way, and the game is extremely picky so you better be one hell of a hitman.

It's a bit hard to rate this game as it's just a tech demo but as a tech demo it's really impressive and realistic for 2004, as a game it's fun to try once or twice but after that, you'll just get bored.
Should you try this "game"? Up to you whether you find this offensive or not, it's worth a try if you are curious or just like games where you play as a Sniper.

Reviewed on Jul 09, 2023
