This game goes from killing asians till it becomes a copy of Metal Gear Solid 3 mixed with Indiana Jones...

Hitman: Codename 47, also known as Hitman 1 but not Hitman 1 (2016) I mean Hitman 1 (2000) god bless reboots title. To this game's credit, it's pretty damn impressive for a 3D "realistic" stealth game it may have bad missions, confusing objectives, terrible controls, and a putrid art style but it still is impressive for a game from the 2000s, do I respect it enough to actually do a full playthrough of the game? Dear god no I dropped the game when the jungle shit started and I was like "Oh god a giant empty forest map with boring objectives, fuck this shit I'm out" and here I am ranting about 1/4th of the game.
Though, to all of my compatriots reading this review thinking "I wonder if I should play this game...", one thing you can do is enable cheat, type "Giveall", and play against the rules.

Another thing that I thought was neat is the background story of Agent 47, it's probably the only remarkable thing from the game as I actually never really wondered "Who is 47?" and I don't think they ever tried to question that in the recent reboot trilogy.

Don't play this game if you love yourself, just watch a quick story resume like this one on Youtube and play the second or third entry which is most likely way better.

Reviewed on Jul 10, 2023
