Looks fantastic, but thats about it. Every dialogue option has about 5 responses, but all of them are meaningless. There are no puzzles, you simply walk up to NPCs and ask "Do you know anything?" then they usually just say no, or they check off your list and you move onto the next area. There is a spark of a brilliant idea, allowing you to create things from balloons, but its never utilised in a creative way, every single time its just, outline this thing we just told you to, then you do it, and the dialogue continues. I wish there was more balloons like the flower (which they make you draw a penis for, for some reason) which actually aids you, but even that you only ever really use when explicitly made to. A system where NPCs teach you balloon layouts that actually aid you in gameplay, that you then just draw in freeform whenever you feel like it would have been much better. The music is good, for a few minutes, then becomes incredibly repetitive and mind numbing. It is also incredibly short due to the lack of any actual puzzle solving/gameplay.

Reviewed on Nov 03, 2023
