The first notable thing about the game is that is that it has co-op, which is an immediate plus, and the fair difficulty of the game makes it fun to play with basically anybody you know. The levels have enough challenge within them to be fun even if you're a novice platformer fan, it's no Castlevania or anything, but it's also not just mindless walking. The punishment for messing up, or even getting a Game Over, are so non-consequential to a casual, that anybody can complete it since you can eventually just brute force your way through most obstacles if you so choose. But doesn't that take away all the fun and challenge if everything can become menial if I so choose? Well, if you do choose to push your way through obstacles and just die over and over, then you won't rack up any meaningful points, and without points, you won't be getting many lives, so you'll be seeing that game over screen a lot more often. Brute forcing your way through every obstacle is an option, perhaps for that co-op buddy who sucks or the small child playing this Mickey Mouse game, but it's not optimal in any way. It also has its fair share of collectables and hidden items that can improve your health and score. The game doesn't overstay its welcome, it's short and sweet, perfect for a quick co-op run.

The main gimmick of the game is the costumes/transformations, which are, OK. I'm not in love with them, they are kind of bland and unresponsive at times, and some of them, like the hook, feel like they should just be a part of the default move set, albeit with some different animation/action. But speaking of animation, this game looks great, can't really say the same for the music however, quite mediocre in that department.

In conclusion, a fun game, and an interesting way of designing a game for casuals, while not alienating people more familiar with the genre, making a great game for co-op.

Reviewed on May 04, 2023
