Four games in one! Well, more like three and a half. The first game is Tic-Tac-Toe, as a positive, it actually does have an AI opponent, as a negative you have to cycle from left to right rather than being able to move up and down or left OR right on the tiles. So even for Tic-Tac-Toe this is pretty poor, although I suppose it is better than pen and paper if you're so lonely you have nobody to play it with, but if you do have somebody to play with then, this is completely pointless as it doesn't even have 2 player!

Secondly, shooting gallery. The first actual "Original" game here, having you shoot a ball from random points on the screen trying to hit another falling ball. And it's actually somewhat decent, with you moving to a different spot of the screen per hit, and the ball moving. Having to actually think about the ball bouncing off the wall and where the other ball will be in relativity to the way it falls is actually somewhat engaging and fun.

Doodle is, well, you doodle. You can draw, you can change colors and you can change brush size. I feel like having a fill tool as a bare minimum or perhaps even allowing for two players to draw at once would have made this better, but then again I am currently criticising a doodle tool on the Channel F so would it REALLY have made a difference to my play experience? Probably not. I wrote my name and a smiley face.

Quadra-Doodle may sound like some insane Quad-Core expansion pack for Doodle, however it is instead simply a little animation of things being drawn on the screen, presumably using the code from Doodle, with 4 points drawing. The fact it has more than 1 thing drawing at a time once again makes me wish that Doodle had 2 player, but alas I shall continue to dream. It's not actually a game, but it does look cool I guess!

Desert Fox is basically just a more primitive version of Combat for the Atari, 2 tanks, you shoot the other tank, you win! Its slow, its boring, but I suppose you could make some light entertainment from it with a friend. I will give them credit for a cool-sounding name though much better than "Combat".

And then Shooting Ga- Hey wait a minute, this is the same game as before! I mean hey it was the best game so far, so why not include it again on another cart.

It's Black Jack. But it does get points for actually having a 2 player I suppose. The key thing learnt from this experience is I should stay away from gambling as I did not fare well, I played for quite a while and not once did I break even. I'll give it some credit for having a dash of colour to it, and by colour I mean green.

It's Desert Fox but a little bit better in my opinion. It has VS modes for 2 player, but more interestingly it has an AI opponent and actually has adaptive difficulty. The further the point gap is between you and the CPU the faster the game becomes. I believe it peaks at +20, but this game of trying to keep ahead of the CPU for the increased speed cap was actually pretty fun to see play out. Long story short that's how I ended up playing over 100 rounds of Spitfire.

It's Desert Fox but exactly the same as Desert Fox but IN SPACE!!!!! But no, this one is literally just Desert Fox again with SLIGHTLY different graphics. Docked points for the generic title.

It's a Maths Quiz. Game 1 is adding. Game 2 is subtracting. It's not even a calculator. It's just answering Math questions. Riveting stuff.

The sequel we were all clamouring for. Game 1 is multiplication. Game 2 is Division. And now that we're multiplying more often you'll have to put triple or quadruple-digit numbers, pretty mindblowing stuff guys. For some reason in division, it just loves giving you questions where its X / 1 or questions where the answer is just 1. So even for those of you out there who enjoy... Maths Quizzes.... this game will still be a letdown.

Why Math Quiz I and II aren't just on 1 cart is beyond me, there are four-game mode buttons, and there are 4 games split into 2 carts. Why not just have all 4 on 1 cart? Whatever.

The closest comparison I can give for this game is that its kind of like wordle. You have to guess a number as the computer gives you hints as to how close you are. Although with that said even after reading the manual I still don't really get it, and I wasn't having much fun regardless so didn't spend to much time with this one.

Great title. But unfortunately, this game is not about drag queens stripping, it is instead a drag race sim. You literally just hold a button to go in a straight line and let go so you don't blow out the engine. It has some terrible CAR SFX that you would imagine of the era that destroys your ears as the cars rev up at the beginning, but that is about the only thing in this game worth mentioning. (Aside from the funny title).

Its a Maze! But unlike other basic maze games (Like Snail Maze on SMS) it actually has some other game modes. Game1 is a basic maze, Game2 the maze is hidden and displays a grid until you knock down the walls, Game3 all the walls are invisible and Game4 the grid is completely filled until you break the walls. Game2 and Game3 are basically the same. But on top of that there is also an evil cat that can chase you through the maze as an option, and if you want to really feel hopeless, then switch on over to Game3, with the cat on at max speed. (Yes I wasted time completing this). Upon beating a level or being killed you get gifted or punished with a seizure, and if the cat eats you it makes a scary noise... really just fills you with total dread when the cat is RIGHT next to you on Game3 and you cant even see the wall so it could get you at any moment! Nail biting stuff. Even though its kind of bullshit, it was kind of fun and thrilling to triumph over that cat on Game3.

Its a translation of Backgammon to the Channel F. I don't care for Backgammon as is, so I really have little to say.

Another 2 for 1! Robot war is an interesting one, rather than actually fighting these robots you simply guide them into blue squares. Their AI is bad even for this standard, they basically just copy your exact movements, which means on low speeds is pathetically easy, and at high speeds it's still pathetically easy however sometimes they get a cheap point off you every now and then. Also sometimes when they run into you they instantly die, and also they sometimes break the blue squares? Not really sure how that works. The icon for this game also has a robot design on it which is definitely NOT R2D2.

Torpedo Alley is basically just a worse version of Air-Sea Battle on Atari, or a really bad version of Space Invaders. The slow fire speed VS the ultra-fast boats was honestly just quite annoying.

It's battleships, but designed for single-player. To give it some appeal to being played alone, rather than just guessing potluck where the enemy ships are when you miss you get a sonar sound. The shorter the sound the closer you are to a ship! With that said, however, it still basically just boils down to guessing at random, and for some strange reason the cursor is not grid based despite Battleships obviously being a grid-based game. The two-player disappointingly is not traditional battleships either, you simply take turns against the CPU using the sonar.

You match cards! Oh boy what fun! And to make it extra annoying, they have duplicates of the same symbols or numbers but different colours, and on top of that you can either have a grid of 24 or a grid of 40 to really test your sanity. It's called memory game, but you don't actually get to see the grid before you go ahead and match, OR ATLEAST I DIDNT. ONE time I randomly did see the grid beforehand but I wasnt actually playing the game at the time and I reset it before playing, so perhaps there is someway to actually see the grid and remember it? Well, I didn't, I just remembered what I'd already guessed and worked from there for each difficulty. I will give it this, unlike in Tic-Tac-Toe for Channel F, you can actually move up and down and left OR right on the grid! So big pats on the back to the developer of Memory Match for that.

A pretty simple game (Shocker I know) where you move around as a little square dodging other squares. Every 10 seconds a new square spawns in and they soon begin to swarm you. The way the squares bounce of one another makes it super engaging and fun to do your best to actually rack up some points. The size of you, the obstacles and your arena are also random every attempt so it makes it less repetitive. You can somewhat cheese it by hugging the wall, but that'll only get you so far, and its no fun so why bother! The "physics" are super primitive, but that small addition of having the squares actually bounce of one another makes it so much more interesting.