Career Mode cleared on January 24th, 2024

This is one of those "what you see is what you get" type of games. You use a powerwash and clean up well-detailed objects of various kinds whether it be cars, boats, houses, or planes. Where dirt taints be it parks and the underground, the dirtfinder will be there. But it's not as simple as spraying, well, it is. But you do have a few options for spraying and upgrades along the way.

As far as what you have to work with, you have four types of nozzles by default which include red which fires a straight line with a concentrated amount of force. Great for cleaning tight spaces. Yellow nozzle is a little bit more wide, but still concentrated enough for long ranged cleaning. Green nozzle is more wide and not as concentrated, but still useful for moderate range. White nozzle is the widest, but the least concentrated of the bunch which makes it more suitable for short ranged cleaning. Some dirt is much tougher to clean than others, so sometimes you'll need to repeatedly spray a specific spot a few more times before it is completely clean.

But to make the job easier, you can upgrade your powerwasher which gives it better capabilities. But you can also give it new nozzles which includes a gray nozzle that spins in a straight line which is essentially an upgraded red nozzle. But then there's the soap nozzle which allows for powerful AoE cleaning, but it requires you to pay 10 dollars for a liter of soap which is a limited resource. And it's not like you can repeatedly farm dollars to get an infinite supply since they can go out of stock and you do have a limited amount of cash, anyway although that money starts mattering less once you get all the upgrades. The last upgrades to touch upon are extensions which allow for longer ranged cleaning and may allow you to use wider nozzles at a longer range, but be careful to not get too close with them or your character will sheath the powerwashing rendering it unable to work

There is a lot to do in the game, a lot of jobs and just in Career Mode alone, you could be spending about 50+ hours and there's even more to do when accounting for bonus jobs and even DLC which I have not touched upon, but it involves other franchises including Spongebob and Back to the Future.

People praise it as being zen and satisfying, and maybe I saw it at first, but after awhile, I kinda felt nothing as the game progressed. It's one of those games that I've been on and off about, and I thought about abandoning it. But then I got to the temple and it hit me on one curious aspect of the game that I don't think people really touch upon. When you get a job, you get a message about the job you are about to do. But every 20%, you get more messages which talks about a bunch of random things like the mayor's missing cat and some real world trivia here and there. However, there is a sort of connection between jobs to another. For example, there was a bunch of eggs being thrown at the mayor's house which is where you use the extra long extension, but as you progress along, there may have been an actual explanation as to how it happened. There is also a bit of an arc that occurs that gets more noticeable once you get about 75% into career mode, and it gets especially wild once you get the final level and let's just say it serves as a real recap of every job you've ever done.

But I guess the absurdity of the messages helps to incentivize players to keep going from what could otherwise be seen as monotonous in addition to the franchise crossovers, and I'll admit, if there was one thing I found satisfying about the game, it's seeing the whole thing to the end.

Reviewed on Jan 24, 2024
