Played on June 19th, 2023
Cleared on July 7th, 2023 (SEGA Genesis Challenge: 17/160)

Revolution X is an Arcade On-Rail shooter where you go on a mission to lead the Revolution against the New Order and rescue... The Aerosmith band...

Honestly, I'm not really sure what Aerosmith and On-Rail Shooter have to do with each other. Is there some kind of in-joke that I'm not getting? I've heard a few Aerosmith songs; I'm sure you have without even realizing it, but I haven't actively looked into the band itself.

The game is good pick for an arcade round. As an on-rail shooter, there's nothing particularly out of the ordinary here. You just shoot what you can. Shoot glass to collect CDs, shoot enemies, fling CDs at enemies for an extra projectile, and shoot hostages to free them somehow.

What makes this game really stand out is the aesthetic. The game takes place in a dystopian future where this tyrannical school teacher has taken over the world and had kidnapped Aerosmith, and it's up to you to save them. And this game has you doing wild things like shooting a slime monster to prevent mind control, shooting a school bus to save kids from being reprogrammed, and just shooting a bunch of roller skate weirdos in masks. It's bizarre.

If I have to guess why it's the way it is, it's because of the time period it came from. The 90s, from what I hear, is the era where the kid/teen rebellion was a major trend, so the idea of making a shooter game that paints the teacher as the bad guy while saving a band they most likely listen to, as ridiculous as it may sound, did appeal to that trend and from what I've researched, it was a critical and commercial success... well, the Arcade version is, anyway.

Now I don't have access to the Arcade version and have only played the Genesis version so far, but I'll just say that if you can access the Arcade version, it would be the ideal version because of the visuals and music, and with the emulator, you can have as many chances as you need compared to the console versions forcing only 20 chances. But the Genesis isn't terrible. Granted, the d-pad/joystick aiming can be seen as detrimental, but given the game released at all on the system, it is possible to beat the game.

July 7th Update: Well, even for somebody like me, it actually is do-able. Once you realize what's at stake, start actively shooting glass to find shields and health pick-ups, and spam CDs at the enemy, you can play a lot better and be able to conserve your continues to be able to take on the final boss. Even though you would still die on occasions, the fact that it doesn't feel impossible is enough to bump it up in score from 3 stars to 3.5.

Reviewed on Jun 20, 2023
