The exo suit mechanics are a straight up rip-off from Titanfall. THE STORY IS LITERAL PSYCHOBABBLE BULLSHIT AND IT'S BORING TO PLAY. Zombies is overrated and base map sucks. Multiplayer is criminally mediocre. This game only gets rated high because all the other Cod games following it would suck for the next 3 years.

Reviewed on May 08, 2024


22 days ago

Multiplayer was fun with a bunch of really good maps specialists spiced up encounters and there were an infinite amount of challenges and camos to unlock, the campaign was dogshit. However zombies overrated????? they had maps that casuals could find fun that also had easter eggs for more veteran players plus the amount of shit to do in each map meant the map is very re-playable and the base zombies map sucks?????? Shadows of Evil has so much style and so many different things to do

22 days ago

also mulekick lol
Brecci was G.O.A.T.E.D, M3rkMusic vid's were kino. However, zombies you had 2 pay 4 all those maps, and Shadows of evil was not bumping like that. It's only when origins dropped that the community was really lovin BO3. Specialists were a wack gimmick.