No inicio é legal mas haja paciência lá perto do final, o CPU vira player 2 pro (sei lá foi noobada minha hehehe), tive que penar com Cloud e mais uns personagens com LVL apelão.

80% concluído, confesso que é um porre evoluir os chars, DP é ruim de ficar alto até por causa dos desafios.

OBS: assim que fechar o jogo, pode transferir os dados do save com Duoncemi 012, caso feche ele continua com lvls e habilidades onde parou.
At the beginning it's cool but be patient towards the end, the CPU becomes player 2 pro (I don't know it was noobada my hehehe), I had to struggle with Cloud and a few more characters with LVL appeal.

80% completed, I confess that it is a pain to evolve the characters, DP is bad to get high even because of the challenges.

NOTE: as soon as you close the game, you can transfer the save data with Duoncemi 012, if you close it, it continues with lvls and skills where it left off.

Reviewed on Aug 14, 2021
