Certainly the anti-visual novel it claims to be. The 2000s aesthetic is great, stereotypes are cranked up to 100 in a good way, love the voice acting. Altogether it makes some uniquely absurd and satirical characterisation. Generally quite funny and occasionally hilarious, but the humour won't be for everyone.

Yeah it's edgy, and can appear to be talking about certain topics in ways that it really shouldn't. But I don't think it's a big issue. Everything is described in such an "in your face" and absurd way that it's obviously poking fun at such things and I don't sense any ill will from it. I respect the creator for taking such a bold approach, that could very well be misunderstood.

I was a little discomforted at the constant pedophile jokes. I get what they're going for but like, why did the (can't believe I'm writing this) "racism route", which I found to be the funniest, only get like 2 endings whereas there's like, 6 paths involving fiascos with pedophiles? It just felt a tad obsessive. Still these routes usually had something interesting to offer.

I really want to know more about the development process for Class of '09. Who made it, how and why was it conceptualised, but there doesn't seem to be much information easily available on the internet. I'm not sure if there is some sort of running moral trying to be conveyed throughout despite all the (enjoyable) garbage that this game is. Pretty girls have it hard too, or something.

I don't know. Don't be like Nicole, Nicole is a sociopath. But at the same time, be like Nicole, Nicole is a bad bitch.

Edit: Shoutout to this review by Femmy which I think put some things into perspective for me and answered some thoughts I had.

Reviewed on Mar 03, 2024


1 month ago

i no play visual novel too many. do you think i will like ? never play one so i dont know what is good starter visual novel .

1 month ago

@mlinguine I would say yes this is a pretty good "starter" visual novel. It's cheap and the routes are really short. But keep in mind that it is mostly a parody thing which is quite rare. Other visual novels will not have a tone nearly as crazy as this one, but I think that's exactly why this one is worth a shot for most people :)

1 month ago

@wollom okay ! thank you .